DIY Costumes from South Park
About South Park
South Park is a popular TV show centered around the lives of four boys - Stan, Kyle, Eric, and Kenny - in the fictional town of South Park in central Colorado's Rocky Mountains. The show showcases the unique culture of the Mountain West region, with snowy climates, mountainous landscapes, and a humorous portrayal of life in a small mountain town. The town is home to a variety of residents, including students, families, and school staff, and features landmarks based on real-life locations in Fairplay, Colorado. The show offers a satirical and amusing look at life in a small mountain town, often highlighting the characteristics and culture of the region, such as cattle ranchers, mountaineering, and Mormons. It is one of the few TV programs set in the Mountain West region outside of Denver's urban core, prominently featuring South Park Elementary, various neighborhoods, and the businesses along the town's main street. South Park provides an entertaining glimpse into the lives of residents in a small Colorado mountain town and is known for its irreverent and hilarious take on the region's culture and lifestyle.