Build your own Arnold Lindenson Costume


Arnold Lindenson outfit

Arnold Lindenson is wearing a vibrant and quirky ensemble that suits his whimsical appearance. On his head, he sports a pair of thick, round, wire-framed glasses that complement his overall look. His attire features a pinkish long-sleeved shirt, which is rather fitting for his slender, elongated frame. Accentuating the shirt is a blue necktie, framed by lines of bright green from a set of suspenders running in parallel to the tie. Completing his outfit are light grey pants that taper neatly towards his feet, giving off a lightly formal vibe that contrasts with the playfulness of his shirt and tie. Arnold's attire is a mix of professional and playful elements, indicative of a unique personal style.

A DIY Arnold Lindenson costume requires:

Shopping for an...

thick round wire-framed glasses image

Thick Round Wire-framed Glasses

pale pink long-sleeved collared shirt image

Pale Pink Long-sleeved Collared Shirt

blue necktie image

Blue Necktie

bright green suspenders image

Bright Green Suspenders

light grey pants image

Light Grey Pants

light grey shoes image

Light Grey Shoes

pale pink gloves image

Pale Pink Gloves

About Arnold Lindenson

Paula's boss, Arnold Lindenson, is known for his lively and enthusiastic demeanor. He tends to be apathetic and carefree, often not realizing when he is being rude to others. For example, he mistakenly assumed that Brendon was Paula's daughter instead of her son, and laughingly denied her request for a raise and assumed she would try to harm him when he fired her. Despite this, he has a generous side and offered Paula her job back on the day of her ex-husband's wedding, which she accepted. He also has an unseen assistant named Juliet. In a surprising turn of events, Arnold realized his mistake and formally apologized to Paula, even going as far as to give her a dish of pasta as a peace offering. This incident highlighted his contradictory nature, where he can be oblivious and rude but also demonstrate kindness and generosity. Overall, Arnold Lindenson is an expressive and oddly energetic boss with a complex personality.

Outfit tips for dressing up like Arnold Lindenson

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