Build your own Tom Lucitor Costume


Tom Lucitor outfit

Tom Lucitor sports a distinctive look reminiscent of a fantastical punk rock aesthetic mixed with an otherworldly charm. His outfit consists of a worn, frayed red shirt emblazoned with a large star, accentuating his rebellious nature. The shirt's tattered hem mirrors the rough edges at the bottom of his brown shorts, which are torn or cut in a jagged pattern around the knees. Adding a bit of consistency to his disarray, Tom wears long, dark red wingtip boots that match the color of his shirt. These boots rise almost to his knees, complementing his ensemble and reinforcing his edgy persona, and are cinched with a studded black leather belt. His appearance is further characterized by his red skin, pointy ears, and two sharp horns, encapsulating the essence of his demonic-inspired character design. A third eye sits at his forehead, further emphasizing his unusual nature, and he accessories with small red hoop earrings to match the rest of the outfit, and a red leather armband on one wrist.

A DIY Tom Lucitor costume requires:

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frayed red t-shirt with large red star graphic image

Frayed Red T-shirt With Large Red Star Graphic

brown shorts with torn edges image

Brown Shorts With Torn Edges

tall dark red wingtip boots image

Tall Dark Red Wingtip Boots

studded black leather belt image

Studded Black Leather Belt

small red hoop earrings image

Small Red Hoop Earrings

red leather armband image

Red Leather Armband

headband with horns image

Headband With Horns

third eye sticker image

Third Eye Sticker

prosthetic pointed ears image

Prosthetic Pointed Ears

About Tom Lucitor

Tom Lucitor is the demon prince of the Underworld and is known for his short temper and controlling personality. Despite his flaws, he has worked on controlling his anger and has become more understanding and respectful over time. Tom has had an on-again, off-again relationship with Star Butterfly, but has shown growth and a willingness to change for the better. Despite his initial antagonistic behavior, Tom has become a recurring character in the series and has even worked with Marco Diaz to help Star achieve her goals. His anger issues have been a central focus, but with the help of a life coach, Tom has made progress in controlling his temper. He has shown generosity and compromise, such as resurrecting a friend from the dead and being willing to listen to others. It is evident that Tom has evolved as a character, becoming more understanding and respectful towards his friends and subjects. He has shown gentlemanly behavior and a determination to be a better person. Despite still struggling with his temper, Tom has made apologies for his actions and has continued to show growth throughout the series.

Outfit tips for dressing up like Tom Lucitor

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