DIY Costumes from Gravity Falls
About Gravity Falls
Gravity Falls is an animated TV series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD. The show tells the story of twins Dipper and Mabel, who are sent to spend the summer in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, with their great-uncle Stan. While helping Stan run his tourist trap, the "Mystery Shack", the twins also investigate the town's paranormal incidents and supernatural creatures. In the small town of Gravity Falls, 12-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines find themselves spending the summer with their great-uncle Stan, who runs the "Mystery Shack". As they embark on their adventures, they uncover the town's mysteries with the help of a strange journal discovered by Dipper. With the assistance of friends like Wendy, Soos, and various other characters, the twins always have an interesting day ahead uncovering the secrets of Gravity Falls.